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Dog Sitting
We love to make your pets beautiful and well-groomed, but we also love to have a walk and play with them. That is why we offer our additional service - dog-sitting.
Are you planing a vacation or do you have to stay longer in work? Is there anyone to leave the dog with? We invite your four-legged friend to us!
How does our dog-sitting work? We always get to know your dog and you first, it is important for us that everyone feels comfortable and relaxed. We take your pet to our home, and throughout the whole time he will live in our apartment. We provide timely meals and walks together with our dog, or depending on your dog's daily routine. The dog food receives the one that you bring to us, so that there are no problems with the transition to another food. You can always give us your dogs favorite toys, blanket or bedding for make them feel like at home. We understand that separation from your loved dog is always difficult, so we are always in touch with you, send photos and videos.
We will be glad to see you and your pets visiting us.